Category: Types of Diets

Intermediate Fasting

Episode 12 – 5 Best Types Of Intermediate Fasting

In episode 11, I wrote about the types of activity levels. In this episode, I will be discussing what intermediate fasting is, and the 5 different types of it. What is intermediate fasting? Intermediate fasting is a type of diet plan where an individual restricts food intake for a specific period of time. It is […]


Episode 4 – What Are The Best Diets In 2023?

On Episode 3, I wrote about what calories are and how you can apply them to lose weight. This time around I will be discussing different types of diets, and what are the best diets for you. What is a diet? First and foremost, what actually is a diet? When it comes to what a […]

Custom Keto Diet

8 Weeks Custom Keto Diet Meal Plan

8 Weeks Custom Keto Diet Try It Today If you are looking for a perfect diet to lose weight with, then I highly recommend that you try out the 8 Weeks Custom Keto Diet. The custom keto diet meal plan is a meal plan that is designed to help men and women all over the world […]


The Keto Diet Explained [Full Guide]

Is The Keto Diet Right For You? Recently, the keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits? What is the Keto Diet? You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins […]